STALKER 2 Mods |


One Reshade for all environments.. its subtle but I love it and thought id share it with you guys!

More depressing for those STALKERS who love some dark unsaturated vibes with a little teal and orange sprinkled on top.

I have worked allot on changing the shadows so the game has more depth without just turning the contrast up and having big dark spots. This means you get abit more in the shadows without destroying the highlights.

I have also added a little bit of bloom that doesnt effect too much but still brings out those lit areas abit more in the night especially. Its subtle.

Most the work after the shadows was in the colours. I have dropped the midtone colours so its less saturated giving a more moody look. Then added some teal into the highlights and orange into the shadows and midtone. This gives that cold look without just having a blue tinted layer over the entire screen that then looks awful on clear sky sunny days. Being from the UK I want to make the most out of any sunshine I can get, im sure you understand.

I reccomend also using the Flashight Customizer mod by KZekai (this is not a must, just a nice to have along with the reshade as its what I use)
For my flashlight settings if you want them check out the video and go to the flashlight mod chapters.

If you dont know how to install a reshader you just need to head over here to and follow the install instruction then choose STALKER 2 (the windows option) From there you will be asked to choose your tools. I just tick them all but its up to you.

These are the tool packs you need.

Color Effects By PROD80
Leggacy Effects

These are my in game display settings.

In Game Settings
Contrast – 50
Brightness – 56
Gamma – 36

If you are manually installing my reshade config then download the file, extract it and stick it in here (this is where mine is, idk if thats the same for everyone)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl\Stalker2\Binaries\Win64

While in game use HOME key to pull up the reshade. You can also use END key to turn reshade on and off.
This is the first time ever uploading anything to a mod page so if I have messed something up then my bad, ill try and fix it!

Credits: CLIKRAD
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

Cannot get the idea why S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Mods are so special? Well then you have landed in the right place – we will explain everything that you probably want to know. So, let’s begin: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 CLIKRAD RESHADE Mod are additional files, which expand your options and provide you with new possibilities. If you cannot move forward and it seems that you’ve tried everything, CLIKRAD RESHADE Mod might offer you unseen features which will make you overcome all kinds of obstacles.

Useful Information: STALKER 2 Everything we Know | STALKER 2 System Requirements | STALKER 2 Release Date | STALKER 2 News | STALKER 2 Game Engine | STALKER 2 on Playstation 5 | STALKER 2 Multiplayer

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